Legal Writing Institute 1-Day Workshops

2015 Potential Presenter Interest Form

We are so happy that you are interested in participating as a presenter at an LWI One-Day Workshop. 

On this website you can

  • review the theme for each workshop site location.
  • submit a proposal to the site chairs.
  • rank the schools in order of preference for presentations.

Review Host School Themes

In the menu on the left side of this page, there is a link for each of the 12 schools hosting a One-Day Workshop. Simply select the school in which you have an interest presenting. The link will lead you to a page including essential information about that site host including the theme, the date, and contact information for the site host coordinator.

To Submit a Proposal:

  1. Complete the information in the About You section below.
  2. Select the locations in which you are interested in presenting by checking the box.
  3. As you select a location, a text box will appear, allowing you to include information for your proposed presentation at that specific location and to rank the schools you have selected in order of preference.

If you have any questions about this website, please email Cindy Archer at

Thank you,

LWI One-Day Workshops Committee Chairs

Cindy Archer (Coordinator, Call for presenters)
Amy Stein (Host Site Coordinator)
Jason Palmer (Registration Coordinator)

If you decide you would like to submit a proposal for a presentation, please fill in the following information.

About You
Please fill in the following information:
Please select all of the locations where you would be interested in presenting. After you select all of the locations you are interested in, you will have the opportunity to rank those choices in order of preference. A dialogue box will open allowing you to include a description of your proposed presentation.
Please rank the following in order of preference. Use "1" for your first choice, "2" for your second choice, etc. You may not use the same number twice.
Presentation Details